
03 9899 5575


731 Whitehorse Road

Mont Albert VIC 3127


What to Expect

With the growing boom in Pilates studios there is a clear need to identify the difference between Fitness Pilates classes and Clinical Pilates treatments. Some 50% of people attending studios for classes have an issue that needs proper management to ensure less chance of aggravating an injury.

DMA CLINICAL PILATES is a clear end to end clinical pathway for patients embracing three phases:-


It’s the “get them better” phase.

initial assessment and treatment of a specific issue or range of issues that have become chronic. Generally 4-6-8 weeks. During this phase a patient subgroup is identified and they are managed with a combination of 1:1 hands on / exercise treatment as deemed appropriate with simple outcome measures taken to demonstrate efficacy. It is not a homogenous / protocol type approach as every patient is different and standardised “programs” are unable to address these differences.

These sessions are billed under standard physio codes.


Its the “keep them better” phase.

the established program is now followed through for the next 4-6-8 weeks and progressed to determine if the problem is stable and responding as expected. This can be a combination of “1:1 treatment” & “4:1 co-treatment” sessions with a physio. Patients are assessed, treated and reassessed with notes & measures documented.

These sessions are billed under standard physio codes.


It’s the long term, “whole of life health” phase

At this 2 – month stage the benefit of the program has been established, the patient is returning / has returned to more normal function and the longer term self management with 4:1 groups continues. This can be a combination home program, remote management, within clinic. Regular check-ups with original practitioner are recommended to determine long term goals are achieved & maintained.

These sessions are generally beyond the ancillary cap of health funds and can be billed in a number of ways. There is still a requirement for record keeping.

Schedule an appointment

Schedule an appointment – prices starting at $60 / 1 hour sessions.